tow headed is literally "flaxen haired". This meaning of tow comes from Middle Low German touw (which means "flax, hemp fiber"). This probably went back to the prehistoric Germanic base *tow-, *taw "make, prepare" (source also of English tool), in the sense "make yarn from wool; spin".
he's a real tow head
by Nic July 26, 2004
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what happens after tabbogining. See also the jerry
Yeah the tow-rope is hard, but it's worth it to tabbogin back down.
by Mars Rover4 December 1, 2004
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A small town or large village (depends how you look at it) in north-east England. It's mainly full of murderers and drunks. Many people who aren't from the area fear the place as if Satan had created it. People from Tow Law realise that it's not that bad due to the recent opening of a Co-op and a Greggs.

Has a large Pikey presence but they're pretty mellowed out.
Person not from Tow Law: "I had my car fitted with armor plates so I could briefly drive through Tow Law! I'm positive I saw someone getting eaten by savage Pikeys!!"

Person from Tow Law: "Hey Pikeys, want to go to Greggs or the Co-op? I'm starving."
by Ub3r_Dr4g0n_5l4y3r_ June 1, 2011
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Tow balling is when a man leads another man around by his penis. Not in a gay way.
Cory was tow balling desi Rae around the villa like a dog on lead
by Pewley February 25, 2017
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Inspired by the Chinese tradition of kow-towing before the Emperor, the kow-tow move was invented on the East Coast and involves first bending backwards and then forwards with your arms bent at the elbows and parallel to your body (much like when the police tell you to "put your hands in the air").
Teach me how to kow-tow, teach me, teach me how to kow-tow.
by Mr. TbabyLazLaz October 18, 2010
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A red neck hillbilly from North Carolina who enjoys using the word "noob" as an insult.
by Pippikins December 20, 2016
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A little piece of poop that remains after taking a shit that won't fall out. Usually alleviated by shaking your ass.
person 1: "Man, what took so long in there?"
person 2: "I had a towed jumper that just wouldn't budge!"
by krl0309 April 11, 2010
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