When strangle toe occurs, but the Big Toe brings along the 2nd toe so they can be strangled as a pair.

See also strangle toe.
Dude, I had strangle toe for so long today that the sock started to loosen up and release its grip a bit.

Just when I thought I was in the clear, double strangle toe set in and it started all over again.
by DudeWhat January 7, 2010
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Hastings: 'Shall we get to the crime scene sir?'

Poirot: 'Not just yet, Hastings. I've got to go strangle a Mars bar for a while. Feels like I'm shitting a fist.'
by Bison Defonte August 31, 2011
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When a girl lays on her back with her head hanging off the edge of the bed, then you choke her while fornicating her throat.
I saw your mom last night, and gave her the old Carolina Cock Strangle.
by Raperist September 25, 2014
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Euphemism for masturbation.

Inspired by news story titled: "'Don’t strangle the anointed one,' wife pleaded in row over Mel Gibson film".

The article describes a theological argument that broke out between a religious couple over the movie "Passion of the Christ" which resulted in the husband attempting to strangle his wife.
"...He was late to the party because he was busy 'strangling the anointed one'."

"...It's been said that 'strangling the anointed one' can make you go blind."
by pr0n-b0t September 16, 2006
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The act of doing a ninja ball behind someone with both hands and then wrapping them around someones face forcing them to breath in the gasses, thus causing them to first vomit from the smell, black out, and then fall on the ground and convulse.
Man I ate a huge bowl of chili, and I have been farting all day, so I snuck up on RC and did a ninja strangle hold. She vomited, passed out and convulsed. It was epic! Then I continued to Nazi stomp her.
by Ichi_Oni June 19, 2009
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The boss of all fairies and the enforcer of "Da Rules" for all fairies in the Fairly Odd Parents universe. He is also extremely muscular and the strongest fairy in Fairy World.
Cosmo: Oh no, if we break Da Rules, then Jorgen Von Strangle will punish us!

Wanda: Then let's not break the rules. He is, after all, the strongest fairy in existence.
by PleaeDontDoCocaine June 28, 2018
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(noun) character in The Fairly Odd Parents who has a massive, muscular erect cock that he uses as a secondary wand to bitch slap any fairies in the face.

He also has a lust/love for ten year old Timmy Turner.
"I CAME" said Jorgen Von Strangle, as he flexed his muscular cock in everyone's face.
by Penis McGee Gilligan II February 15, 2008
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