The phenomenon in which a film with a large cult following (i.e., Star Trek, Star Wars, Robert Rodriguez movies)opens to large first-weekend box-office grosses, followed by a steep drop-off in attendence shortly thereafter.
Guy: Did you see that Austin Powers 3 beat Attack of the Clones in just its second week of release?

Girl: Well, no duh. Only geeks line up for that crap, and after they see it opening weekend, no one else goes. It's a total Star Trek effect.
by Joaquin Mercutio May 29, 2005
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star wars has more action but in a fight Star Trek would win no matter what and people argue
Star Wars VS Star Trek Star Wars would win. Said the person who didn't do his research
by Idk why I'm doing this April 8, 2022
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"Let's go watch Star Trek: The Next Generation!"

"Useless cretin with bad tastes I am watching Star Wars."
by gimme the money March 28, 2016
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A show from the 1960's were a starship captain named names kirk and his crew of both humans and aliens explore the galaxy. Fans of the show are referred to as "trekees" or "trekkers".
The other day me and some friends watched star trek.
by Mudkipboy7 September 11, 2018
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the act of traveling really far for the sole purpose of hooking up with someone
He lives a few hours away but he wants me to come over... do I star trek?
by tanamongeaulanguage April 23, 2020
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A Massively Multiplayer Online game released by Cryptic Studios in 2010. As of May of 2022 the game just had the newest update Season 26: Stormfall.
There are a lot of Star Trek actors who actively voice their respective characters, or STO original characters.
The best game as of 2022. Get it now
"I'm so bored..."
"Go play Star Trek Online"
by macOSbyApple May 18, 2022
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