When you jizz up your own or someone elses nose.
Duuudeee, I totally gave Colin a Reverse Squirtle last night and he sneezed it out!
by GypsyEyes666 September 2, 2020
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A gooey blue turd that occurs after drinking an excessive, maybe hospitalizing amount of blue gatorade
Cooper - “Just got out of the hospital and finally the slimy squirtle came out!”
Michael Jordan - “that’s great news buddy”
by isaachatestonyramsay December 14, 2019
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This technique is usually used when some chick is trying to stick some guys fat cock in her vajay-jay and shes way to dry to slip that meat-piece into it. So in order to lube things up she uses a douche to squirt a bunch of lube into her anal cavities. Then she turns around and puts her ass up on his cock, shortly thereafter clenching her hole so the shitty mixture spews out onto the guys junk. If they want to make things really sloppy, the girl sometimes makes the guy suck the excess shart-lube out of her asshole.
My cock was too much for that virgin, so i made her give me a rusty squirtle to lube things up.
by cockmaster93 December 19, 2010
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A word originally created on Omegle. A circle squirtle is similar to a circle jerk, but with only one penis involved.
Cathy, Maria, and Joe are going to have a circle squirtle at Maria's house tonight
by childcare January 7, 2015
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when you are taking a shit, and it wont come out, then it all pours out violently and bloody.
Dude i cant ass fuck today i totally squirtled one today
by King James IV July 16, 2008
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This phrase is to comment on a person's looks or stupidity. This phrase was coined by the urban legend himself, Will Guess.

also see gerbal head
by Kevin Maurer May 10, 2006
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When five guys wearing sunglasses fuck a single girl, preferably one in a nurse outfit, all pull out and ejaculate onto her back at the same time, while shouting: "Squirtle Squirt!".
"Dude, we took this girl back to our hotel last night, and before you know it, we were squirtle squadding!"
by Astrophysiics March 31, 2015
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