5 definitions by isaachatestonyramsay

Worst human alive. Terrible human. He has pieces of corn for teeth and his hairs are spaghetti strings
Isaac - “I hate you tony ramsay
Tony - “let’s just kiss”
Isaac - “no you freak”
by isaachatestonyramsay December 14, 2019
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When you let out a huge fart in a small room with your friends or even solo, after eating an entire bag of Funyuns.
Kyle - “Guys get in the bathroom right now!”
Henry and Wigdon- “Again?”
Kyle - “Ya you smell that? That’s a frothy funyun!”
Henry and Wigdon - “Sure is Kyle!! So cool”
by isaachatestonyramsay December 14, 2019
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When you let out a huge fart in a small room with your friends or even solo, after eating an entire bag of Funyuns.
Kyle - “Guys get in the bathroom right now!”
Henry and Wigdon- “Again?”
Kyle - “Ya you smell that? That’s a frothy funyun!”
Henry and Wigdon - “Sure is Kyle!! So cool”
by isaachatestonyramsay December 14, 2019
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A gooey blue turd that occurs after drinking an excessive, maybe hospitalizing amount of blue gatorade
Cooper - “Just got out of the hospital and finally the slimy squirtle came out!”
Michael Jordan - “that’s great news buddy”
by isaachatestonyramsay December 14, 2019
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