frap spackle is the resulting mess when a bowel movement contains solids with a consistency like spackle, propelled by large amounts of gas (that would be the "FRAP!" sound)- effectively coating the toilet bowl in a uniform layer of semi-solid poop.

invariably occurs when the toilet refuses to flush, or there is no toilet brush anywhere to be found. Think of the toilet scene in 'dumb and dumber'.

and this has only ever happened to me at my date's place, just before we were about to become romantic.

closely related to the dreaded diarrhea shart, where the underwear/wall/unfortunate person/or whatever is behind your behind gets hit by several gallons of high velocity liquid poop.

enjoy your lunch.
frap spackles occur within several hours of eating
- taco bell
- raunchy ronnie's rectum rockets (oh wait, that'd be a Mcpoop with extra sauce, wouldn't it?)
- too many buffalo wings and beer

looks remarkably like someone spackled the toilet bowl with refried beans
by roadkill pizza June 22, 2009
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someone who fills conversation or quiet pauses until someone more interesting arrives.
Oratory Spackle

Sue: How are you, you don't look so good. How have you been feeling?

Me: Well, actually I have kind of a bad headache this morning and I have been feeling kinda.....

(someone more interesting walks in the room)


.. then i leave the room.

Also, can be useful at parties. I arrive early and stand around talking about movies or reality tv, until more important guests arrive.
by Kerilotion November 24, 2009
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synonomous to "homie" but NOT synonomous with crack spackle, but especially not synonomous with peanut spackle.

Def. 1: good friend or comrade
Def. 2: similar to home slice or homey as this home spackle is a reminder of good friends from home.
"What up home spackle?"
by Terry C. June 19, 2005
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The act of an unknown person leaving layers of shit on the inside wall and/or around the rim of a toilet bowl after an explosive deuce, usually taking place at work or any other public restroom.
Guy 1: Dude, that was quick I thought you had to shit.

Guy 2: It looks like I'm going to have to postpone until I get home. It seems the Spackle Bandit has struck again.
by Blind Clown August 12, 2010
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The sometimes thick and usually sticky amalgam of sexual lubricants and semen from the vagina and penis that are the remains of sexual intercourse. It usually accumalates in the butt crack of the partner in the lower position due to gravity.
I need a shower, this love spackle is starting to set.
by Luther Felonuis G. IV August 27, 2006
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Someone who, in the process of beatin' their dick all over a woman's face, proceeds to bust a nut on her face and use their cock to spackle their skeetle all over her, much in the same manner as a painter or other craftsman.
Damn, I blew a wad on that bitches face and cock spackled it all over!
by Sir Skeets A-Lot October 2, 2006
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To fill a vagina with cum to the point that it is which point you take your finger and even out the amount that will no longer fit. Hence spackling the twat.
Dude, I think that chick needs some twat spackle.
by Mr. Jizzy McTesticles June 6, 2006
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