old west..1.refuse to answer questions when asked.2.current.a person pleading his/her fifth amendment right.3.Ask no questions tell no lies.
Check it out cowboy motherfucker fucking Jake..Fuck you, I'd a soon not even as met you as answer your question..
by November 21, 2017
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Bong Soon is the strongest, most determined girl you'll ever meet. Besides her love of sleep, she's ready to pass through any and every challenge.
Random person: Hey, did you hear about the little girl that took out 20 people at the construction site?

Random person #2: I don't believe that.

Random person: I heard her name is bong soon.
by urmumsahoe July 19, 2018
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Often used sarcastically, with the implication that something may not happen as "soon" as suggested.

Commonly used by video game manufacturers when announcing something that is in the works that may not yet have a predicted release time frame.
The newest update for -insert video game series here- will be released soon™.
by Audrec January 24, 2017
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Soon Raccoon is the sidekick/antagonist/trickster (in opposition to protagonist Emily Graslie) in the narrative world of the Brain Scoop.

In appearence Soon Raccon is a stuffed raccoon often depicted wearing antlers although that is seldom the case in the actual episodes.

He currently resides at the Chicago Field Museum on loan from his native home at Philip L. Wright Zoological Museum.

He has creepy little hands and is an apt drummer.
"When will brains be scooped?"

*pan to Soon Raccoon*

by the Imaginationshow April 18, 2014
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1) a loved one who is treated as both a partner and an offspring (inspired by Woody Allen's marriage to his adopted daughter, Soon-Yi)
2) the act of legally adopting a partner as a dependent, typically for monetary reasons
1) You are my child-bride, my little soon-yi forever.

2) Since gay marriage is not accepted in Kentucky I soon-yi'ed my partner so that we could enjoy all of the benefits of a legally-recognized family.
by tazz999 December 25, 2012
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