A cool thing bro. Lots of people do it. But its considered Voodoo. It is a Thing on the internet. Usually used in Steam (Video game Platform) as a way to pass the time.
"Not Skyrim on steam bro!" Said Jake.
"Whats that?" Ask Dylan.
"Lawl, i wont say." Said Jake.
by Not Fartnockerman August 6, 2012
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When you get shot in the knee; by bullets, arrows, etc
“Bat, you shot him in the knee!”
“Hit in the knee, GET SKYRIMMED!!!”
by LOOZEit2STEVE September 28, 2020
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A blood-seal contract which sells your soul to the Bethesda Cult.
The contract takes away your need to do anything, including eating and sleep.
"Quest??! I'm already on a quest!!" Shrek-A very intense Skyrim player
by LadyMiraak March 17, 2018
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The only game where you can be a cat person, but not a furry at the same time.
by I am ur bio mom January 20, 2023
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The reason I have no friends and don't leave the house. The most addicting game out there! Sure it's full of glitches and sometimes breaks entirely, but that's what makes it fun!
Download now! You have to uninstall you social life first though...
Normal Person: Where have you been the last six days?

Game Addict: Oh, just, y'know.....busy
*Resumes playing Skyrim nonstop for another week*
by TheBookNerd January 10, 2018
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The game from the early twenty tens that wasn't as good as it's predecessors but got an Alexa release instead of making better games because money
Skyrim Creators during Alexa release: You are the 7thborn
by HoonDingalicious March 31, 2020
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