Instead of using regular lube, one replaces it with the hot sauce of your choice.
She wanted to spice up our sex life so I gave her the Cincinnati Sizzle.
by DickVitale42069 August 21, 2009
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A seattle sizzle is a sexual act by nature (fetish). A seattle sizzle is when someone cums (ejaculates) into a measuring cup and boils it over a stove.
Hey Bobby, mind helping me out with a Seattle Sizzle?
Bobby: Yeah man, ill hold the measuring cup.
by Keratinx June 15, 2023
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A girl or guy that's way more than a 10. Just amazingly hot.
John: yo, you know that girl Marie?
Bob: hell yeah bro shes beyond sizzling!
by HSB92 July 11, 2008
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An Emcee who also goes by the Sizzler, Herbert Hoover, or Johnny Sweatpants. He is known for a zany sense of direction and not having an inner monologue. Also known for getting incredibly baked up for long hours and not making much sense (if any). He also eats copious amounts of snacks when baked.
Did you see Q Sizzle, he's so high he ate an entire jar of cheeze dip.

Damn, he won't be poopin for a week.
by Pedro Von Escobar August 24, 2008
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Having great intellect in all things sarcastic and smack talkable while possessing a wit and subtle charm as not to offend.

Usually found in or around the NW Portland area (and sometimes Spokane).
OH SNAP! That was one hellacious burn J-sizzle laid on me.
by C-aught you slippin' August 24, 2006
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