Noun. Anything that comes in the form of a phonr call or text. The receiver that is made aware of the significant event does not make any verbal reaction. Rather, upon receiveing the phone call/text, their face becomes nervous and is followed by a series of 2 to 7 twitches of the left eye. The person then proceeds to get their ass off the couch and takes action.
(text of significant event): Dude, sum grandpa jus jacked ur Camaro from outta ur driveway.

recipient: (Twitches, stutters, and bolts out the front door)
by Bake Em Away Toys November 13, 2010
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Commonly abbreviated as SED, Significant Ear Damage is genre of music created for Zac Seif's music, specifially a song called "I can't survive," because even Emo is not terrible enough a genre to categorize his music as.
Guy 1: Did you hear Zac Seif's new song? It's the best example of Significant Ear Damage music out there!

Guy 2: Thanks for the warning, I'll be sure to avoid it!
by SignificantEarDamage July 10, 2012
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In this day all y’all single motherfuckers get a boy friend or girlfriend. You can also ask someone out and if they say no then it never happened but if they say yes then enjoy yourself.
“He you Look single wanna date?” “Today is Get a significant other Thursday!”
by Lincoln’s wack October 17, 2019
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When your significant other is a relentless taskmaster who gives you zero privacy, and doesn't trust you at all.
An old (girl) friend posted a joke on my Insta, but I had to delete it so my significant overlord wouldn't see it, and hassle me about it later.
by Nylon Nylan June 4, 2021
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The person who was part of the most significant or meaningful relationship that you used to be in, but aren't anymore. You can have more than one ex, but you can only have one significant ex.
The other day, I ran into that guy/girl I went out with for a little while and it was pretty akward. Glad it wasn't my significant ex at least!
by Shmooboo March 22, 2015
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1) The act of finding, discovering or inventing something that impacts the human race significantly regardless of whether it is good or bad for them.
2) Any known concept, studied phenomenon or manmade object that has a significant impact on the human race.
When people will stop coming up with useful new stuff for humanity, it will mark the end of good significant science.
by Rogue_Nation April 16, 2018
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