1- A surprised or sarcastic, but acknowledging, response to a statement of intelligence from a usually ill-informed or negligible source.

2- A phrase uttered when someone makes a statement that is completely unnecessary, painfully obvious, or both.

Adapted from The Muffin Joke. As seen in the example, which definition is used depends on the respondent's perspective of the original comment.
1: Parent: "Halo: Reach was completely over-hyped."

Gamer Child: "Holy shit, a talking muffin!"

2: Parent: "Halo: Reach was completely over-hyped."

Gamer Child: "Holy shit, a talking muffin."
by TwiztedMessiah September 22, 2010
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Doesn't take einstein to figure this out but Smokey says it in Friday.

When his mum pisses him off, he says it under his breath a couple of times.
Parents: Fucking bastard pillock, do something with your life, find a job or something!!!

Dude: always talking shit

but you say it like Smokey,,,,,ALWAYS TALKIN SHIIIIIIT!
by hhhhheman May 9, 2007
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A common Phrase originating from the phrase ' Yipping Dogs ', most commonly practiced or used after someone says something, which seems highly unbelievable, one would replay ' What is that i hear ....it's a .... it's a ....O, its a talking shit dog! ' , implying your disbelief in the previous statement.
Dude i just got a 30 man kill streak, only with grenades! ... wait ... wait ...whats that i hear ? ... O YES !.... its the talking shit dogs !
by Khornewarrior April 19, 2010
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Phrase that means what it says. Talk shit, and get your ass beat.
Jamie is a shit talker. She runs her mouth like she can beat anyone up and isn't afraid to mess with no one. One day, she got into a fight with a girl. Jamie did her usual shit talking and got her ass beat. Talk shit, get hit, Jamie. OWNED BITCH.
by uafakeazzbitch11 April 8, 2010
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When a person talks shit about you, your girl, your boy, or crew, then they get dicked
example: man is talking shit about your girl being a whore then you hit them. then you say talk shit get hit
by philadelphia kid April 12, 2011
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When someone is talking shit and they continue to run their mouth, and you beat the shit out of them and make them eat shit.
Guy 1: "Man's you're such a pussy"
Guy 2: Beats the shit out of guy 1 then makes guy 1 eat shit. Then Guy 2 says "Talk Shit, Eat Shit.
by crosk December 5, 2011
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"Did you see what happened on Twitter last night?" "Yeah talk shit get hit @tyleroakley"
by ziamsariana January 19, 2014
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