scury is a disease one gets after having a physical relationship with a man named nathan serrano. scurvy ranges from type a-z. it is contagious so be careful. scurvy wont kill you but it will never go away.
max: nathan gave everyone scurvy

nate: shhb dont tell anyone
by scurvytypeb June 4, 2022
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A word for something that's way cooler than just cool, or say if someone says something funny as shit just say that shit was scurvy.

Combine this word with sturdy and smelly for maximum effectiveness.
Friend: Man I just dropped a fucking bomb in my pants.

You: Man that shit was scurvy.
by ScurvyAssDude March 22, 2022
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Means that your a theif or you like to steal
Alexis stole my pen again!! That scurvy Bitch!!!

Da chiney like theif yo change
by Elusive_Firestorm August 13, 2019
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Cool, sick, wicked, gnarly, etc
This debilitating disease I caught at sea is not fucking scurvy bro.

Scurvy dick bro
by Dicktionarydotcom January 20, 2018
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Scurvy, (Adv.; Adj.) Vintage term from New York, New Jersey. Origin unknown, but may refer to someone with a skin disease of the same name. To find something revolting, by way of smell, sight, or other human senses. Typically of an odorous or the appearance of odorous nature. Can be stinky, sticky, very unsightly, or disgusting in taste. It would not be appropriate to use with reference to sounds, such as "that sounds scurvy".

Something that has passed it's marketable lifespan, usable lifespan, even recyclable lifespan.

Something fetid, noxious, putrid,
To have forgotten a package of deer meat sausage in your car, meant to be taken on your one-month trip back home. Upon returning and discovering the box in your trunk: "Oh my God, that is scurvy!"

Running into your roommate on your way out to work. She was at an all-night event. She had vomit on the front of her boobs, as well as on her lace black crop top, and what looked like sperm on the front of her pants. To a mutual friend "Yeah, Stacey got home safe, but she looked pretty scurvy."
by Jeanjie April 10, 2023
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A cocktail consisting of spiced rum (traditionally Captain Morgan’s) and orange juice in unmeasured quantities most would consider unsafe. Invented winter 2019 by some dumb college freshmen.
Scurvy’s Cure is such a good name for this cocktail I thought it was already a real thing for two whole weeks, until I learned my friend was the one who came up with it.
by ArrrMateyIveGotScurvyMeLads January 23, 2022
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