A fucking whore , known to suck willies and beat chickens.
by HELIX1989 January 12, 2004
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A nervous skin condition occuring from the inhaling of excessive quantities of marijuana, located primarily in the forearms and legs. Generally described as the sensation of blood vessels tightening or insects burrowing underneath one's skin. The sensation is known to be quite pleasant for those who become adapted to its presence.
Upon feeling the sensation of bugs crawling under one's skin, one might proclaim "Shit, I've got rebels!" and begin massaging the forearms.
by Stove Theobald September 13, 2005
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Usually, someone who tries too hard to actually be rebellious. Said in jest.
Ria: Oh ma gawd, whatevar! I is well not going to that detenshun!
Salia: Ooh you rebel, you.
by Claire July 22, 2005
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Redneck, Hick. Sometimes used to describe idiocy
by Jmechy February 25, 2003
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Somebody who deliberately breaks the rules just so everyone slse thinks it's cool; usually seen getting high in an abandoned washroom/broom closet or at the mall.
That rebel's trying too hard: he should just start back dressing like a Backstreet Boys reject.
by Shawn B. May 2, 2003
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The term is derived from the term "Moderate Terrorists"

A moderate rebel is a insurgent that is not classifed as a terrorist because they are not against the US and its allies.
They use the same tactics, the same weapons and the same reasons. They help make shooting people a mess of paperwork for the soldiers involved.
Moderate Rebel: Today we go martyr brothers for allah!
Obama: Oh my god, a terrorist!
Moderate Rebels: Lets go bomb Bashar!
Obama: Oh, that's ok then. *Gives guns*
by TheUltimax May 18, 2016
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One of the greatest D.I.Y punk bands any one drunk man could create himself. Raw talent and cheap equipment, makes this band undeniably unforgettable. Songs range from such classics as Fuck Global Warming to the awe inspiring Know who you are. Check myspace to book this amazing band to play your city now!
Erick: Fuck man did you see mallcore rebels the other night?

Some other person: No
by Mallcore_rebel April 20, 2009
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