When someone gives their spousal entity hickies around the nipples in the shape of a raccoon's mask.
My girlfriend woke up this morning with a raccoon on her chest.
by Dannyn November 12, 2006
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A state of being in which the subject is acting wild, greedy, hyper, or otherwise judgment-impaired.
Grant was eating Peeps and drinking yoohoo all afternoon, so all his knobs are set to raccoon.
by Layne March 11, 2005
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A girl who puts on too much makeup for events such as Prom or ball even though they look better naturally without any makeup on. Most of the makeup is concentrated around the eyes and on the eyelid which makes her look like a raccoon turning into a monster. While in the event, all that makeup especially around the eyes will smear and all the sweat will the makeup stream down her face.
Sam: Dude Pat, look at all that makeup that Angie and Jen have on, they look like raccoons!

Pat: Yeah, I know all that eye shadow and stuff makes their eyes look like the black parts around the raccoon's eye. I think Angie is wearing all that make up to embarrass their date.

Sam: I wonder how the pictures will turn out. I think Jen looks way better without any makeup on, I really don't understand why she wears so much. I mean their eyes aren't even that small.

Chao (From a Distance): OMG WHO THE HELL IS THAT! SHE LOOKS LIKE A RACCOON! Oh snap, it is Angie.. WOAH, I didn't think she would wear that much makeup, holy crap. That was totally unexpected, I think Angie looks way better without any makeup on and is super pretty without it. LOOK AT ALL THAT EYELINER AND EYE SHADOW... I don't think they make her eyes bigger at all.. I mean her eyes are already big enough.

Ed: Yep. My girl doesn't have that much on, what do you think guys?

Sam & Pat: Way better.
by mdnyan May 17, 2012
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the animal that ate my sweet pet ducks Lucy and Dezzie.
One time a big raccoon came and said "Yum, free duck!" and my poor chicken Big Mama had to watch it murder my poor duckies. My mom cried. And now i have no ducks and a traumitized chicken.
by Leticia July 4, 2005
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a girl, or woman, who dates a man only for his money.

i.e. she digs through trash looking for the good stuff.
Rhonda is only dating Bob for his money. She is such a raccoon!
by redwood johnson August 5, 2008
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While getting head(oral sex) from a girl behind a dumpster you simply punch the bitch in the eye, giving her the appearance of a raccoon.
Chaz: Man did you see the fuckin shiner on Laura, I Gave that bitch a raccoon she wouldnt ever forget!
Chris: Eww Dude...that bitch is sick! but fuckin A on the raccoon brother.
by Pacifico May 31, 2007
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the act of engaging in hairy butt animal sex. the victim is usually left with painful and lasting memories.
girl: ow my ass is hurting
girl2: u got raccooned
by Air Bud 3 October 29, 2006
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