When two people are always together, pratcially connected, always intertwined
Hey there's Mikey and Jayme and Brianna and Erika and hey look there is a pretzel!
by The Cougar November 11, 2005
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A person that can put his/her legs behinds their neck and start walking in it's ass. Only nerdy people can do it.
That guy is making the pretzel, he's gonna get bet up today...again
by favio14 March 4, 2006
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A snack eaten by fat people (Mostly americans). Any thin, healthy or smart person realises that the amount of salt and fat in one pretzel let alone a bag is enough to fatten you to bits.
I'm going to eat a bag of pretzels then drink some canned foam cheese and top it off with some twinkies.
by JimboNoobo March 23, 2003
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A deadly threat to the nation. It was sent by unknown parties to assasinate George W. Bush. The attempt was nearly successful, but a bystander was cunning enough to employ the heimlich maneuvre, foiling the conspiracy. The said pretzel is now being held in maximum security in guantanamo bay as an enemy combatant.
It appears that agent pretzel has failed his mission.
by jonzo the weasel July 17, 2006
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Twisted; succubus; corrupt; perplexing
when referred to a female
"These pretzels are making me thirsty"

- The twisted female (pretzel) is making me drink(alcohol)
by Under Artificial Skies July 2, 2009
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Damn, I feel 'pretzelized' right now.

Someone giving you salt in game Damn, I'm getting 'pretzelized'.
by SnorLux July 23, 2016
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The most fucked up, warm hearted, wise and savage person that I have met online. He always seems to have girls and guys at his feet.
Ninja Pretzel just bought 5 other psn cards. Gift me daddy!
by Animal are bikes April 17, 2017
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