Clunge Plunge is the male act of losing your virginity. A twist on the phrase "To Take The Plunge".
Joe - I took the Clunge Plunge last night

Johnny - Yeah?

Joe - Yeah, didn't last too long though
by The Chop 84 October 16, 2009
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The act of eating out one's creampie; going down on a person moments after another man has reached climax within a sexual orifice.
During the orgy, Nick was so overcome with passion, that he decided to take the creamy plunge on the most attractive girl in the room.
by TheCaptain13 February 22, 2017
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The act of having a Pinecone inserted in your asshole.
Chad- "Yo dude let's take the Pinecone Plunge! Everyone bend over and relax!"

12 year olds- "The Fortnite squad has spoken, for losing us that match we are going to give you a Pinecone Plunge as punishment!."

Camper Bob- "During my hike last weekend I got tired and wanted to rest. I sat down on the side of the trail and accidentally gave myself a PineCone Plunge. It really hurt!"
by Seeeean August 13, 2018
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Inserting your penis, dildo, strap-on, fist, ect. inside someone's ass while they are pooping to push the poop back up their ass.
The man put his penis inside the girl's ass right as the poop started to come out, causing the poop to go back in her ass and causing them both to have a not so pleasant feeling but the great feeling of knowing that you accomplished it.

-he is mud plunging her, he mud plunged her, she plunged herself, I mud plunged that filthy whore-

(hint: it would make your life easier for you if you didn't tell people that you mud plunged someone)
by epg2 November 11, 2011
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When you shut off the water at the toilet and flush leaving no water in the bowl or tank , then proceed to drop hot steam in the bowl.
>Damn scro, what’s that smell?
>oh I dry plunged homies toilet!
by Scro401 December 25, 2020
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See Provo Push and Provo Soak. This is the 3rd part of the Trifecta. Technically going up the female's trash chute is not intercourse!
Jack and Lisa took the Provo Plunge on Saturday night. He took her to Chili's first though.
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While receiving a blow job, you ask to lay down flat on their back while standing over them, pretending to put dick in their mouth once more asking to close their eyes, you shit on their face. ...The Pilgrim's Plunge
Man: "Lay down so I can finish on your face."

Woman: "Okay baby."

Man: "Close your eyes."

Woman: "I'm ready."


Woman: "Shit!"

Man: "Exactly."
by Colojolo July 27, 2009
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