Pep Rick is that junkie guy who is addicted to everything that gives him adrenaline.
He is a very tall, skinny dude that loves to take a line or two up his nose before he goes on about his day.
Guy1: "I need some speed or a gram of coke"
Guy2: " Stop being such a Pep Rick"
by NUT_(づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ December 17, 2018
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A large nipple that resembles a pepperoni in both size and color. Pep short for pepperoni.

If you see anyone with pep-tits, run!

You'll never be able to look at a pepperoni pizza the same way again.
Person A: Hey man did you see that guy over there with the plaid shorts at the pool with his shirt off?
Person B: Yeah dude, that's gross. He totally has pep-tits.
by Manhouse5 August 31, 2011
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a substitute for those who cannot get marijuana. It's crushed incense thats smoked.
I cant get ahold of any pot, so I've been smoking pep spice.
by lihhbee November 18, 2009
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'The pep rally is a place for pseudo-prostitutes to provoke men into a sexual frenzy which, when thwarted, results in pointless athletic competition.'
- Sunnydale High Newspaper, BtVS (Season 3: 'Earshot')

(at the Pep Rally)
Edgar: Whoa! That cheerleader is totally booty shaking!
Bob: She's totally working me into a sexual frenzy!
(moments later)
Edgar: My sexual advances were thwarted.
Bob: Mine as well.
Edgar: Want to play some ball?
Bob: Fo' sho'.
by Andii_xoxo February 11, 2009
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Short for rest in pepperoni which is in turn slang for rest in peace or rip

Used ironically to indicate misfortune
Person A: Aw man I lost all my money buying Gamestonks
Person B: Rest in peps
by cocomonk March 7, 2021
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Manager of FC Barcelona. Promotes beautiful football, lead Barcelona to the famed sextuple in his first year in charge. He also happens to be a hot piece of ass, he is by far the sexiest manager in the world. Proud Catalan man.
"Who's that guy who's a mix between Arsene Wenger and José Mourihno?"

"Oh, Pep Guardiola."
by innitgirl May 9, 2010
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Dr. Pepper and Vanilla ice cream, also another name for a blow job
I could really go for a frosty pep right about now!
by OG n HunE September 8, 2015
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