Term for a girl with an above average rank smellin vaginal area. To be avoided at ALL costs. The smell can be compared to a landfill, dead fish or an armpit.
"Kyle got a wiff of leann's stank cooch and immediatly threw up. He will never be the same."
by theblakster June 19, 2006
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By far the best fashion apparel to gain recent popularity. Cooch Clingers are really baggy pants that girls wear. Chicks like them because they're comfortable and have a sassy retro look to them with their rectangular shape. Guys like them because although the pants are very baggy they cling to wearer in two key locations. Most Cooch Clingers are brown, but sometimes you will see other colors esp. pink ones with the word "PINK" spelled out across the ass.
Girls who wear cooch clingers are often seen wearing tank tops, pearl necklaces and big hepburn-esque sunglasses as well.
Did you see Maggie in those cooch clingers today? The fabric was weged between the soft cheeks of her shapely ass and those baggy pants still managed to give her some MAJOR camel toe!
by Pizzaface September 7, 2005
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A vagina that has been penetrated so often throughout it's existence that it's inards are being worn on the outside. Which then causes the snatch to resemble that of guacamole.
"Dude don't hit on that Ashley chick man, I fucked her 3 months ago and that bitch had a mean ass guacamole cooch."
by Tommy Stanek October 29, 2006
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the tingling sensation experienced in the nether regions of a female anatomy when confronted by a physically attractive male; physical attraction is expressed by the body in the form of tingles
How do you know when you're physically attracted to someone? They give you the cooch tingles!!

Girl, you know he gives you the cooch tingles!
by Jayne Lee January 8, 2007
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discoloration of the vagina after being smanged (the combination of being smashed and banged) usually resulting with a purple color, like a bruise.
Guy: "Whoa girl what happened to your cooch??"
Girl: "Ehhhh I got smanged pretty good..."
Guy: "Daaaaaang girl it looks like you got yourself a cooch contusion"
by raikoue March 14, 2011
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The act of one sneaking behind a female and placing your fingers in that female's gooch. Follow by a quick traces of your way to the cooch. Yelling phrases such as "Surprise" "G-g-g-g-coooooch!" is optional. Act can be non-sexual but if you really want that coochie try it. Will it fail? Nah trust me ;).
Blake gooch-to-cooched me the other day. I cussed him out but i secretly wanted his penis.

gooch cooch fingering
by the goochcoocher October 10, 2011
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When a single girl blocks the chance of her friend from meeting a guy, not to help her, but out of jealousy
"I was hitting on this girl and we got along really well but then her friend came in and cooch blocked her."
by Parth S Patel June 10, 2009
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