(adj.) Describing a man who lowers their personal reputation by watching a feminine soap opera like the OC.
That kid has gone OC on us, what a fag.
by twiggy March 8, 2005
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abbreviation for Outta Control, someone that is wild when drinking
Chad: That boy Z Bing is OC
Matt: No shit dude
by Big-EZ October 25, 2005
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When you have to open to close. In other words a 12 hours shift, or however long the place is open.
by xavier February 6, 2005
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"Open crib". Usually used when a teenagers parents are out of town and want to throw a party?"
"Hey, are your parents going to be home during your party?" "No, I have OC"
by ea2109 April 24, 2017
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Original Canadians: People from the province of Québec, Labrador and Ontario. Back in the early 19th century Canada was divided in two provinces Upper and Lower Canada. Lower being Québec and Labrador and Upper being Ontario
Albertain: Man, these are really good at hockey eh!
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OC means both original character and out of character. This is mostly used in fan fictions to explain to the readers that an original character from the publish work (ex; Harry Potter) is not going to be acting like they usually do.
Severus Snape is not being snarky ,and he is being nice so he is OC.
by Kurama_Bookworm127 June 30, 2013
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