The best and worst thing that can happen to a male. She makes him feel amazing and then crushes his heart into tiny pieces.
If you didn't understand my definition of "girlfriend" an example won't help you -_-
by kupo-po October 30, 2009
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A female friend of a male, sometimes for the sake of security but sometimes for the hopes of someday getting married
I don't have a girlfriend, I just know a girl that would be really mad if she heard me say that.
by doot February 25, 2005
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something ill never ask because im to much of a pussy to ask girls out even when i know they like me. o well lol
-hey, why dont you ask anita out?
-because she doesnt like me
-yes she does im telling you!
-nah i dont think so
-youre so stupid
-i dont really wanta girlfriend anyway...

actual conversation
by Z3r0s3volution September 24, 2009
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A girl who has gotten a guy so whipped he doesn't go to the bathroom without permission and is completely in charge. She is worshipped by her boyfriend and he never questions her. If she says she's mad and he asks why, she won't tell him because he doesn't know.
Chad stood up before giving Amanda, his girlfriend, a wary look. She raised her eyebrows and he sat back down. He asked to go to the bathroom before standing again.
by vampchic7 May 25, 2010
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The exact opposite of friends with benefit. It's like having a girlfriend but with all the bad parts and none of the good parts. You go through all the boyfriend/girlfriend drama and there's no making out, no hugging, holding hands, NONE of the good stuff. The worst possible relationship you can have with a girl, worse than being in the friend zone.
Jon: Yo, where's Michael at?
Alex: He's back there with his not-girlfriend, they're arguing about something.
Jon: Offff course they are.
by Zanach August 31, 2012
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