Evil genius who taught the United States of America how to fight! Blitzkrieg!!!!!!!!
Example A: Hitler sent his planes in first to bomb the enemy, then he send in the armor column, and last his infantry.

Example B: America used that tactic in Vietnam, Desert-Storm, and War on Terror.
by IvanSlockavich March 9, 2010
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A person who needs a hug, someone who needs to watch more Barney & Friends.
But ended up killing lots of people for no reason.
Girl A: Awwww that kid looks so sad.
Girl B: Screw him, he's a fag
Hitler: Runs away
20 years later
Girl A: Why are we in this stupid place
Girl B: I don't know, it sure is cramped
Hitler: DIE!
Poisoness Gas is released
by Reaper25 May 12, 2008
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A verb meaning to convince a huge group of people to believe a huge lie.
Lil Wayne succesfully hitlered and entire nation into beleiving he's the best rapper alive.
by Socradeez. November 2, 2011
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That evil German dude with the little mustache(that's probably not the only small thing he has). Was the leader of Germany, killed Jews, communists, and anyone else that racist people don't like.
Hitler caused the holocaust. What an asshole.
by Flare.Ryuuka February 2, 2015
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1. fascist bastard responsible for the killing of millions of innocent people.
2. the worst facial hair there is. if you go outside with a hitler moustache, you'll get your ass kicked by a hundred angry jews.
guy #1: hey, look at my new stache!
guy #2: you can't go out with that hitler moustache, you'll get your ass kicked!
by lalliman March 6, 2011
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It's when your friend is sleeping, and you take his thumb and shove it up his ass. then you take the shit covered finger and rub it right under his nose. it looks like they have the Adolf Hitler mustache, aka the square above the lip.
John: You smell that shit?
Tom: LOL no...i don't ;)
John: something smells like shit around here.l funny.
Tom: XP!!!! Someone gave you the Hitler!!! LOL LOL OMFG!!1!!
John: Shit. that's fucked up
by minhdizzle999@gmail.com June 5, 2006
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