More intense than big mood or relatable.
When something is very relatable.
Gabby fell asleep in class today, that’s a phat mood.
by CGull2K November 11, 2018
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Created by mental health activist John Junior, who preaches this quote everyday to reassure people that “The mood is temporary”
Remember the mood is temporary, the way you are feeling won’t stay the same
by John Junior 1 January 23, 2021
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relatable, said in response to something that you agree with
Jeremy: I HATE avocados man
Susan: BIG mood
by maqueenwa February 5, 2017
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When a female/girl is feeling her baddest and wildest and prettiest .
Omg look at her fine a**, she def in ha mood
by Asackchaser January 29, 2023
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Well; it's a new hip word with the youngens these days. It just means "that's how i feel right now" or "extremely relatable". They use it primarily when that is the heaviest emotion in their life at that point in time.
Timmy: “I hate myself so much”
Jimmy: “Big mood”
by Jim Noobert June 6, 2018
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A mood where someone wants tickles from someone/wants to be tickled.
“He was in a lee mood after seeing Elliot tickle Iris!
by cherriii February 1, 2023
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A mood where you just say “fuck it” and go with whatever happens. Usually Pertain to a Mexican with a friend who looks Mexican but isn’t.
Don’t you have a essay due tomorrow?”
“Yea, but fuck it, imma chill instead”
“What a Mexipad Mood”
by DIIABLØ August 1, 2019
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