your a meanie bowbeanie
by DANKK KUSH February 22, 2017
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The Conflict in the Beattle's Yellow Submarin
Choca canga and the wota sam rara in the BLUE MEANIE's
by phantom5 January 1, 2005
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a purposely hurtful jerk!
Eve; Adam, stop being such a big meanie by telling Cain he's not your child, and that you just found him roaming around the garden!
by Paul J Parkinson April 25, 2005
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to be mean, the childish way of calling a mean person a name that they won't entirely get.
"You meanie pants!" the girl said to the bully.
by Bev Smoufindouf November 4, 2005
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(n.) a name that your girlfriend calls you when she loses a playful argument and wants to pretend she is hurt but is really not. when used by the perfect girl this is a very cute retort. if used by any other girl you should break up with her because she is probably retarded.

of similar intellectual genius as the insult 'stupidhead' which was also made up by a 5 year old.
me: "you're such a noob at lasertag,
her: "OMG i killed like 10 of them!!"
me: "too bad you were playing against 6 year olds..."
her: "oh yeah? well you're a meanie cat!!!"
by midgetsl4yer December 30, 2009
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a person who is ur friend but is being a mean to you in a joking manner.
"claire u cant sit with us, sit over there by yourself"
"lingii ur such a meanie beanie" *pretend to snob them off*
by Claire Maloney July 21, 2005
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a two faced dick head that is not a nice person. basically he cares about no one but his wiener and is just MEAN. meanie weanie.
Nick was a meanie weanie. Boys can be meanie weanies.
by Nick204654 June 14, 2010
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