An excessive use of numbers or statistics to quantify everything and everyone, be it in the collection of data in a census or survey, the use or misuse of analytics or metrics, and data harvesting by big tech companies, with the aim to brainwash or control people, and to influence their decisions and habits.
Both governments and media conglomerates haven’t ceased to indulge in mathematical orgy to track people’s likes and dislikes, emotions and moods, and fears and worries.
by Fasters April 18, 2023
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How the heck you could see this shit and not say what the fucking shitty shit is this shit
Person 1: "Hey what's 1+2+4+8+...2^n?"
Person 2: "Supposed to be infinite, sounds logical"
Person 1: "Wrong, it's -1, at least according to p.acid number systems of measurement"
Person 2: "What the fuck?!"
Person 1: "It's called Advanced Mathematics"
by man367519 May 6, 2022
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A string of typographical and mathematical symbols, such as $#√(-1)+ and ∫eˣ = f(uⁿ), used in place of an obscenity, especially among geeks on social media.
Which mathematical grawlix would you dare sending to your boss after you’ve submitted your resignation letter?
by Covido June 1, 2022
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Regularly contributing entries with a mathematical flavor to make up for the dearth of math words or terms on Urban Dictionary, which represent a drop in a sea of obscene, racist, and irreligious vocabulary.
Ian is a serial math contributor to Urban Dictionary, with six hundred-odd entries so far—indeed, he's urbanly mathematical, or maybe just "mathematically wordy," to say the least.
by MathPlus March 2, 2017
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A cyclone or hurricane that is named after a famous mathematician—like math, its presence never fails to instill fear in the general population.
Pascal is expected to hit the Philippines by early Monday morning—which happens to be a public holiday—after the mathematical typhoon had caused havoc in southern China.
by MathPlus March 24, 2017
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When a math educator desires to be creative, purposeful, and challenged in teaching or sharing math to the best of their abilities—for example, submitting some math tidbit or irreverent math entry to Urban Dictionary to humanize the most disliked subject in school.
Being mathematically playful might win you a number of fans and friends, but it often triggers an unhealthy climate of envy and jealousy among your fiends and foes, who will serially and wickedly downvote any published math entries at the slightest opportunity, thus immaturely exposing their deep hatred and irrational fear.
by MathPlus February 3, 2019
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The raison-d’être for mathematics, not its applications and oft-long-winded or tedious proofs—because there is no place in the universe for ugly math.
What is beauty in mathematics? Being awed by beautiful patterns? Experiencing the pleasure or aha! feeling that transcends sexual bliss? What the heck is it?
by MathPlus January 11, 2019
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