He is very complex, confidential and humble who is caring, playful, and above all devoted to his close friends. Only a few of him are left on Earth. Stay out of his bad side though, he got anger issues and be careful what you say to him.
He been through a lot and he’s still healing from the wounds and pains. But importantly he’s very strong and he got a good heart.
by Unknown 0010 September 18, 2020
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Ai Lian is a wonderfully unique human being who embraces life to the fullest. She is logic based, and not overtly emotional at first glance. She is independent, strong, but with a soft core. She makes for a great friend that will be there for you in your greatest time of need. She may appear mature outwardly but has a lot of girly quirks. She may have her silly moments but always strives to keep her composure in life. She is family oriented and has a strong sense of self worth. She is a unique blend of intelligence, good looks, steadfastness and firmness. People are attracted to her, and rightly so. Ai Lian is awesome!
e.g. That Ai Lian is just so amazing!
by A wise wise guy November 24, 2021
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A captain with a 24inch cock capable of destroying multiple holes at once.
Drishiti “Dam James Lian has a monstrous bellend
by Hashim Ashraf June 15, 2020
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liane is levi’s future wife
lev is clearly sexy
by not lev 20058 November 9, 2021
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liane is from the greek word 'sun'
They're everyone's best friend, the star of any room they walk into without announcing it
they might be shy and quiet in a conversation, but their smile shines like the sun
somehow makes everything work out the way they want it
A, "who's that new transfer?"
B, " She's liane, haven't you heard of her? everybody's already simping on her "

A, " i can tell."
by genderless-monster January 21, 2022
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Liane is tall :)
"woah! Liane is so tall!"
by Hellomynameisnotnail February 11, 2022
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