is when a persone raves all weekend with little sleep, smokes weed and thinks to much and sketches out.

A person who mumbles on the couch making no sense.
by *Whiteside September 3, 2007
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Yes thats right folks, its me juno! The Llama King!
by FatBaby March 7, 2003
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Very confused. So confused it turns your world upside down.
Juno the actress Ellen Page??? Well it’s Elliot Page now.

I did not Juno that, that’s just well ummm confusing.
by savemelmac December 6, 2020
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the action of drinking directly from a large beverage bottle such as a milk carton 2 liter soft drink or Sunny D
person 1: why don't you just pour that into a glass?
person 2: cause I'm junoing it.
by dancerr. June 28, 2009
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"Dude, your recliner smells funky"

"That's because last night my girlfriend and I pulled a Juno on it"

Pull a Juno
by meuzikluver January 27, 2013
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1) trans. a play on the mexican accent when they say the phrase "you know man?"
2) n. a lousy, good for nothing, spic fuck, mexican
ex. 1)juno meng? Ee's eh goo' thing we pick deh oranges too day/You know man? It's a good thing we picked those oranges today
ex. 2)Look at Marlon, mowing the lawn...that dirty stank ass juno meng...i'll kick him in the face.
by thatreallycoolguy October 3, 2007
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