The emotion that shows an extreme point of happiness, or even overtakes happiness in discription of a single time or thing; usually found in people who have just had a life-shaking experence, such as child-birth. Danger, use this word with care.
Sience his wide had their first son, he has been filled to the brim with joy
by Cory Morgan January 2, 2005
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When a controll tower advises a pilot that he has an approacing aircraft. If the pilot does not see the approacing aircraft, after a few seconds, he can reply "no joy".
I have no joy on the approacing aircraft.
by Benchfly September 10, 2010
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oops, there goes my joy all over your face.
by Anonymous November 5, 2003
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A joi porno is a buere instructing you to walk off on her.... face tits ass etc
by Timber Tim February 20, 2018
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it means your fucking happy or excited
im joyfull
by bgvnh October 31, 2015
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n. Short for No Joy in Mudville, this is an absurdly understated way to say catastrophe. Favored by aviators, the term derives from the baseball poem Casey at the Bat, where in the ninth inning with two outs and two men on base, Casey is poised to hit a home run and win the game.

After acting like an entitled diva and refusing to swing at two good pitches, Casey takes a tremendous swing at the final pitch and (spoiler) strikes out.
Oh, somewhere in this favoured land the sun is shining bright,
The band is playing somewhere, and somewhere hearts are light;
And somewhere men are laughing, and somewhere children shout,
But there is no joy in Mudvillemighty Casey has struck out.
by Mackerm August 2, 2021
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Japanese Olympiad in Informatics
I searched up a JOI problem and got pornhub links instead
by ur mom gay234 March 20, 2020
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