A popular activity among party goers that involves dipping a live tortoise in hummus and "sliding" (releasing) it into the hosts bedroom (or other space) without their knowledge. The act serves to prank the host by leaving streaks of hummus for them to discover throughout their house.
"...the party went so late that we gave him a hummus slide."
by sizeableAmountOfDiggity November 26, 2020
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McKenzie went over to Matthew's house for a first date, he said he was throwing a hummus party. After she arrived though, he just wanted to suck her toes.
by lost hamster December 13, 2021
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when she’s gotta yeast infection but you smash anyways
“yo i’m tryna get that taco hummus”
“ur fuckin nasty logan
by tacohummus69 April 4, 2019
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When a man ejaculates into the crease of someone’s neck and they let it stay there during the rest of the night. The warmth makes it liquify and the separation of the sides of the crease make it look like hummus. The male proceeds to ejaculate into the crease of their elbow and then puts their partner in a headlock and the friction cause an even more hummus like texture
Last night this girl asked me to make some elbow hummus and it was probably the best experience I’ve ever had
by Johan dick March 22, 2019
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The act of having anal sex; preferably with a strap on.
Man: "Will you do to me what you did to me in Flint?"
Woman: "What, make you a hummus sandwich?"
by Unnamed Definer February 9, 2008
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a gay jew,

a jew that likes anal sex a lot
i like the torah and the cock, i am a hummus-sexual
by butchermantlay kinkston January 5, 2007
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When you leave a cum stain on a pillow.
Hey man, I might have left a bit of a hummus-tingus in your room.
by SpengDisciple November 25, 2018
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