Harry - a very attractive guy who will make you feel like you're the only one for him.

But in reality, he is a spiteful, backstabbing and heartless guy.

He doesn't treat a girl right. He will make you feel like you were in the wrong. He pretends to like you and calls you 'the type'. Furthermore he will manipulate you.
Girl 1: Did you go out with Harry?
Girl 2: Yeah, about two years ago. He was 15 and I was 13.
Girl 1: I did as well! he was the worst.
Girl 2: I know right!
by shewhowillnotbenamed March 6, 2011
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A sex move invented by my ex-roomate Harry. This is when you wake a girl up, just in time for her to be awake when you cum either on her face or on her chest.
Dude, that bitch had it coming, so I pulled a Harry on her in the morning.
by Moses February 4, 2004
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(Harry) is a fat fuck who takes the whole box of crackers when you offer him one. He is rude, lazy and messy but he is part of the (national dumb bitch awareness campaign) which makes him a friend you deep down hate but you are nice to cuz he's a (dumb bitch awareness) campaigner.
Dad: How was school son?

Son: I made a friend called Harry

Dad: Is he a fat fuck?

Son: Yes

Dad: I knew it, But keep your crackers safe

Son: Ok dad
by TommyBobJeff November 2, 2019
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A Sad Depressing Person With No Life. There Is Someone On His Mind,Someone That he Knows Needs Help. He Is To Afraid To Help...
by DobbyIsAFreeElfRightNow February 27, 2017
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That guy who shows porn in class.
Goddamn Harry! We are in class!
by HarryKiller February 28, 2019
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The act of a man during sexual intercourse to slap a woman so hard with his cock, that he not only breaks the sound barrier, but also her jaw.
1: Ma’am why are you in the hospital?
2: My husband and I did the Harri last night...
1: Dear lord...
by HarriTime69 October 24, 2019
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