If your name is Gene Choi you have above Asian average penis. You often have tendencies to think that Goofy is cow. You also have a negative IQ and like to call everyone else retard to make yourself feel better. Doesn't know how to shoot basketball and plays mobile games. "Claims" to be athletic, smart, and handsome; but in reality he is gumpy, smelly, ugly, dumb.
"Shut the fuck up dumb ass, my name GENE!" "Shut the fuck up Goofy Cow, My NaMe GenE!" Famous quotes by Gene Choi.
by YungBred February 16, 2019
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An overweight, alcoholic, nicotine-stained over-the-hill imaginary construct from the 1970s/80s. Witty, with brilliant comebacks for any situation. A DCI in Manchester (Life on Mars) and in London at Fenchurch East (Ashes to Ashes). Takes every opportunity to be politically incorrect, is crazily attractive to most women.

In short: om nom nom.
1. Gene hunt could take me out in the Quattro any day!
by eightiesconstruct February 28, 2010
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Wrestler who descended from the heavens to die for our sins and end crappy storylines.
And on the 7th day Snitsky spoke "It's not my fault!"
by Dan October 13, 2004
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The famous Cowbell player for Blue Oyster Cult on Saturday Night Live. Less than a God, but MORE than a man. An idol for everyone, a father figure for most and a beard that touches every single one of us.
Can I just say one thing? I'm standing here, staring at Bruce Dickinson! And if Bruce Dickinson wants more cowbell, we should probably give him more cowbell! And, Bobby, you are right - I am being selfish. But the last time I checked, we don't have a lot of songs that feature the cowbell.
by Zack Morris March 1, 2005
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Skip-genes: a situation where someone's child posesses much greater brains, talent or looks than their parent(s). Suggesting a relative in previous generations had these qualities that this parent lacks.
Wow, your kid is really good looking and you aren't, skip-genes?
by Speedbiker November 7, 2019
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See Baby Killer

WWE wrestler who killed a baby. Greeted to rings with a \'Baby Killer!\' chant, because he is a baby killer
What\'s the difference between a Corvette and a bag of dead babies?

Snitsky doesn\'t have a Corvette in his garage.
by edgehead5566 April 27, 2005
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