The universal symbol for dyslexia. Oddly enough dyslexics have hard time spelling dyslexia. 7 was adopted as a means to state the condition without having to embarrass ones self by misspelling it.
"Excuse my errors, I have 7"
"7 is a reconized learning disability"
by Court_6X7_42 July 7, 2005
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A suggestive msn emoticon used by laaah, originated by BFG.
Holly: Hey Annabel, you busy? 7)
Annabel: Wouldn't you like to know 7)
by LAAAH February 29, 2008
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God'z lucky number. Some people call it their favorite number because it's God's lucky #
Who doesn't know 7 iz God's lucky number
by b iz brayzii August 7, 2005
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Why was 6 scared of 7? Cuz 7, 8, 9
by WritzMcWrites April 22, 2022
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If you have a number pad on the right side of your keyboard, you may press that key right before you press enter making messaging a pain on pc
Joe: Does anybody want to do something tonight?7
Joe: tonight?*
Noah: Sure man7
by SlickShayden1050 May 29, 2018
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#7 mean the thurlest or the trillest like the the 7th wonder of the world so basically saying #7 means the best overall
“ #7 in all ways
by slattt23 May 11, 2018
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