After anal sex, the act of dipping one's testicles into partner's anal cavity and coating the scrotum in fecal matter.
And, after desired coating is achieved, then placing said testicles into partner's mouth.
"So while I was balls deep in Kimberly's ass last night, I figured I may as well follow it up with a Kentucky fondue. Her breath still smells. I'm never calling her again."
by Cletus T Judd July 12, 2008
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1) (N.) A hot dish usually made of cheese, wine and poo.
2) (Adj.) The defecation that occurs following a trip to Ingrams Chili Bowl.
1) You have to appreciate the nutty aroma in this fondue poo.
2) My last fondue poo piled so high I could feel it!
by Damn Near Rectum February 10, 2004
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John enjoys a spacepot fondue
by Milldog123 October 1, 2015
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A group of people joining in anal sex and is strictly anal sex
Id so have an anal fondue with Kanye and Kimmy
by Boosom May 3, 2016
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This is probably the apex of sexuality. It's when you have bad diarrhea while a female (or male I suppose if you are inclined) is giving you a blowjob and you remove your penis from his/her mouth and dip it into the chocolate toilet soup only to pull it back up and reinsert within her/his eager mouth for an extra saucy reentry. Pretty much a dream come true.
My boyfriend gives me the best fondue blumpkins after 4loko and Chipotle.
by Ltnflvr August 17, 2011
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The sexual act of giving the 'reciever' laxatives, then engaging in anal sex. Once the laxatives have kicked in and caused diarrhoea, the 'reciever' shits all over the 'giver's' penis.
I just Chocolate Fondue'd my wife. it was messy stuff.
by Francis Oregano September 25, 2009
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