1) When you take a shit in a glass of soda pop.

2) An old Alka-Seltzer ad campaign.
Stan needed to take a crap badly, but there was no toilet nearby. He improvised with a bucket and 2-liter of Pepsi. He ended up with a Plop Plop Fizz Fizz.
by joseph blough February 26, 2022
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Is it coke, is it pepsi.

NO it's fizz, gimme my Jizz
by Libido January 10, 2005
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referring to a person who is lame, a flake or has no potential, like a dud in the world of fireworks, they don't do what they are suppose to
John was suppose to meet me here two hours ago, what a fuckin fizz
If Katie stopped doing drugs maybe she wouldn't be such a fizz

by Nolan AM January 10, 2008
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From the new definition that i made, we can all use "fizz" to say, "YA FEELS", but instead say "YA FIZZ".
"That breezie was gettin outta line and i had to bitchslap her, ya fizz??"
"I fizz bluh"
by Kuzzizle March 17, 2006
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word for the first sip of a drink. Similar to greens when smoking the mary jane.
"I got fizz, homeshizzle.."
by D-Rizzle Fo Shizzle January 14, 2008
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Asking another if you would fuck it or not...
Hey! Would you fizz it?
Hell yeah I would fizz dat....then give her a hot carl.
by J May 29, 2003
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A unit of measurement (weight in grams) defined as half a gram or (0.5) grams of that sticky-icky herbal goodness. A better alternative to saying “point-five” to your local weed man.
Me: “Ayo Jamie I’m comin to scoop some of that good good off ya in about 20 minutes.”

Jamie the weedman: “Sounds good how much u need?”

Me: “3 p-fizz should do the trick for now”

Jamie: “Bet, cya in 20.”
by snipshowmcgee October 9, 2018
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