
girl: get the 2-liter
guy: you're a 2-liter.

*all hell breaks loose*
by jayteemango November 8, 2012
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2 Liter

A fat person, mainly a fat girl
All I want is a nice skinny girl, but all I'm doing is pulling 2 liters.
by Num9 September 1, 2020
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2 liter of coke

The most popular item to go with a boneless pizza
Hey, can I get uhhhhhhhh a boneless pizza with a 2 liter of coke?
by Bob Boo June 11, 2017
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2-liter ho

a female kadunkadunk, derived from a 2-liter bottle of soda
Yo mama's one 2-liter ho!
by ARANAR July 23, 2003
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