Much like a MILF a FILF is a Friend I'd Like to F***
She's my bestfriend but she's still a FILF
by WitchyWoman5517 April 13, 2020
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like DILF or MILF but instead this stands for 'friend I'd like to f*ck"
wow do you see Talia over there? shes such a filf
by POOPOOBOOGERS February 25, 2021
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Follower I'd Like to Fuck

1) A twitter user that follows you, and that you would like to fuck
2) A twitter user that you follow, and that you would like to fuck

Frequently not reciprocal, as many FILFs are celebrities or other subjects that someone does not know personally.
My followers page on is full of FILFs.
by **stars** October 2, 2009
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"Dayum, that sweden dude at starbucks was such a FILF"
by Kerlebsky June 21, 2022
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What is a FILF you might ask? You've heard of MILF. You've heard of DILF. But now time for FILF. It stands for Femboy I'd Like to Fuck. If you call it 'Filth' you are infact cringe and not pogchamp.
Person 1: Man, Thomas is such a FILF. I wish I was the guy banging him every Tuesday.

Person 2: Dude he's a virgin, and why Tuesday?
Person 1: I am most horny on Tuesday.
by SummerNinetales February 11, 2021
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