A girl who starts out as your friend but grows to be more like a sister. The best friend you will ever have in your entire life. An amazing girl who you are proud to call your friend and deserves the best in life.
My college roommate's name is Anne Elise.
by jennrose62290 December 31, 2013
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A badass who is in love with a broody gay vampire on the web series 'Carmilla'
Elise Bauman should go ahead and marry Natsha Negovanlis. They're the real 'otp'
by Elise Bauman February 14, 2016
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when moris ugly 40 year old pedo-looking-ass wants to torture elise with sweets and dresses.
odasaku: mori is on a rampage with those dresses again, poor elise-chan.
dazai: we don't look there.
by Dazai_In_French April 29, 2021
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Most amazing girl I have ever met. Hot, Pretty, and Nice she is everything that I could want in a girl.
The girl that sits next to me in 2nd Hour. Marie-Elise. Nuff said.
by xInuzuka96x March 3, 2011
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someone who is extremely sexy and is enticing in both mind and body. completely irresistible, unforgettable.
jack: dude who the hell was that piece of ass

rick: I dont no man but its seem like she could be an elise moore...

jack: dammmnn
by xendxX October 13, 2009
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A goddess of beauty and love descended from the heavens. Was created by the gods to make all things on earth happier and lovable. She is known for her amazing-ness, beauty, and stunning smile. Guys fall for her all the time, she has a problem though-she is very insecure. A lot of people don't see it because they are blinded by her inner beauty. The guys can't stop thinking about her. She is also known for loving other people and her family, she has a charm on guys, she is sometimes shy or quiet, she closes up like a delicate flower if one should hurt her. But why would anyone want to hurt her? Same reason as anyone else I suppose. She is astonishingly beautiful. Her hair varies from blonde to brunette. She is a kind hearted person, who is driven, and motivated, but still finds time to help others. She can be shy and awkward, but it's always the in the sexiest way. Elise's rarely cause conflict and are friendly with everyone. In addition, they usually have perfect curves.
Hey, do you see that spyglass figure in the corner sitting all alone?
Yeah, what about her?
That's Chante Elise... She's beautiful. Think she's worth my time?
Well... she volunteers and doesn't drink. Go for it!!
by Prader December 23, 2012
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