A person that speaks "l337" or some other degenerative computer language that may or may not use "rAndOm CApItALIzAtION".
l337Hax0r is an e-tard.
by Gimp Lick June 1, 2004
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incapable of using email, ebay, etrade or anything having to do with the computer
My friend Doug is totally e-tarded
by Naruto the Negro August 29, 2008
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Person under the influence of ecstasy, especially when being overly flirtatious.
Guy 1: Oh man, that girl last night was HOT!

Guy 2: Yeah, she was kissing and loving all over me!

Guy 1: I wonder if she really liked you or if she was an e-tard?
by Bearmike March 6, 2008
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1. A retard (idiot) with an electronic device and/or capabilities (such as a cell phone or a PDA)

2. A virtual retard (someone who acts like an idiot online)
"will someone take the cell phone away from the e tard before he hurts himself!"

Bob: yea John was being an idiot on AIM last night
Tom: He does that alot, that's why i blocked him
Bob: yea he's such an e tard
by aparanoidbw December 17, 2006
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Characterized by delays or abnormal functioning noticeable before the internet maturity age (approximately three years old) in one or more of the following domains: (1) social media interaction; (2) communication on Facebook and twitter; and (3) restricted, repetitive, and stereotyped patterns of behavior, interests, and activities on social networks. Notably unnecessary posting and tagging and excessive e-PDA.
"Who's the e-tard who left the milk out?"
"Billy from down the street is an e-tard."
"What an e-tard!"
by 9632586412 April 10, 2012
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the complete inability to write legible electronic messages, such as not being able to text correctly, facebook, AIM, etc.
AK: im gna g to baothuse
me: what the hell does that mean? you're e-tarded.
by GeetSquad May 14, 2010
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This is technically someone who is not proficient at e mailing, or any communication using the computer.
I kept getting blank e mail messages from my mother-in-law, I called her and she said she's sending pictures, she's such an e tard!!!
by Lisahere November 3, 2006
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