a person of arabian decent,most often a terrorrist,they smell like camel ass,most of the time they are plotting something, and there are way too many of them.
Obama,osama bin laden,sadam insane,and the local derka derka at the qwick stop are all examples of a dune coon.
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A disease that is only found in the middle east.it causes the dune coons..aka sand niggers to want to blow themselves the fuck up. there for alot of dune coons have it hence all the suicide bombing all over the place..
that fucking sand nigger had dune coonitis..good thing he is cured because he blew himself the fuck up..thats also one less dune coon we have to worry about.
by dunecoon69 February 20, 2011
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Dune Pune is common with bro hoe. Basically, the chicks that go to the desert/act like they go to the desert only to walk around in bikinis and wave their pussy around to any takers, typically a bro. However, they do demonstrate some form of standards; i.e. NO Truck NO Fuck. They are only attracted to the finest of Bros who have the worst fabrication jobs on their shitty trucks, which is very appealing to the Dune Pune.
Must be wearing (if dressed) SKIN, SRH, FOX, MOB INC, etc…
Hair must be blonde on top and black on the bottom
Fake tan with excessive makeup
Kottonmouth Kings
Bro did you see that sweet dune pune that I rocked out in Glamis last weekend?
by Your Mom Is My Anti Drug April 4, 2007
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Slang for a middle eastern, usually loves Osama Bin Laden and enjoys committing suicide.
"I am not what you americans call a "dune coon", i just have dirty turban."
by Wawk R October 26, 2005
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Testicles, when used for entertainment purposes.
The clown made a splash at the birthday party, krumping and banging his dune buggies together.
by Das Brick July 4, 2006
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1) An action card in the game "Forbidden Desert" that is used to blast away all of the sand cards covering an action tile

2) An aggressive dump
Jeff: Hey man, how was meeting your girlfriend's parents last week?

Allen: Everything went alright except that I had to take a massive dune blaster half way through dinner. It felt like the scene from the movie Gravity where the space capsule violently shakes and heats up as it barrels through the atmosphere at Mach 25.
by wordsley April 18, 2019
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An Arab that won't shut up about being Arab
Dude that dune fucker won't shut up about being an arab
by Dune fucker April 5, 2016
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