A funny sounding word that is used after a dumb joke.
It's behind your ear, Derp!
by Cpt.Bob October 17, 2003
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N. 1.Epic fail. An attempt at something of extreme greatness, but an utter fail. Antonym: Herp. 2. An expression used in the act of failing, often an exclamation. 3. The name for someone/thing that has failed.

V. Sucking really hard.
N. 1.
1: That guy ate it so hard on that triple pirouette.

2: I know, right?! What a derp.

N. 2.
1(while belly-flopping into a pool): DERP!

N. 3.
1: You honestly tried to pull off cooking 30 brownies in 20 minutes? You fucking derp.

1: Have you ever herped so hard you derped?
by RadioactivePuppy October 26, 2010
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an expression of stupidity (noun)
an act of stupidity (verb)
AJ Fleming loves to say derp; one of his favorite things to say is "Obama derped up the government."
by Avrum F., my fake name March 10, 2012
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From the Online multi-player game, World of Tanks, it refers to the biggest and most explosive slowly reloading gun that one can have for a particular tank.
Hey, do you have derp on that KV tank? No, I have the stock gun. Noob.
by SiemaUSA October 15, 2011
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Johnny busted Sarah wearing only her derps.

In summer, I sleep naked apart from my derps.
by spruce_goose June 23, 2005
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Describes a person who usually adds retarted remarks or statements to a conversation. The speaker is usually mocked and teased afterwards and sometimes forced to wear a DERP HAT and told they are full of Derp or the derp is strong with them
A person spots the obvious during a conversation, everybody then says to the person HURR DERPA, HERPA DERPA HERPA HURR. HERPY DERPY HURR.
by DERPA Herpa April 30, 2009
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A word that can mean many different things; usually negative. It can be a noun, verb and adjective. Synonyms include stupid, retarded, idiotic, idiot, dumb etc...

Variations of the word include derpy, derped, derpette, derpity der hurrrr. Herp is also related to derp and usually follows derp in a derpy interjection. Herping is almost always a verb, and when in combination with derp it does not have to be negative.
Noun: "Wow, that guy is a derp"
Verb: "Wow, that guy just derped everything up"
Adj: "Wow, that guy is derpy..."

Misc examples:
Person A: "Derp de durrrr... herp derp?"
Person B: "Herpity derp hurrr... Derp derp?"
Person A: "Hurrr :/ "
by FecesExplosion January 24, 2013
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