there was a republican in the mall restroom with me and i was scared...
i ran into the stall and locked it behind me to make a security deposit.
by r brands August 30, 2003
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When someone is passed out, you drop your pants, place your sphincter directly on their nostrils, and let loose with an offensive wind storm.
"Danny passed out on the couch after a few too many, and I dropped my dockers to give him a direct deposit...he barfed all over my nuts."
by tommyboy79 October 19, 2005
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A slang term for a goal scored by a member of the United States Men's or Women's National soccer team. Made popular on social media websites such as Twitter.
by MmmChicken July 9, 2015
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A covertly communicated intent to make an ATM withdrawal as prerequisite to making an illegal, immoral, or unethical purchase; specifically if stating a more common phrase, "...I need to hit the ATM..." for example, would generate unwelcome interest in the arrangement being made; the interest would come from perhaps an undercover officer, police informant, or NSA/DEA agent randomly eavesdropping.
"I just need to make a reverse deposit, then I'll be right over to play some 8-ball. So rack 'em up."
by Elle Grant September 29, 2005
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it is a double ATM
(ass to mouth transfer of one's dick)
you are having anal sex with somone, then they blow you, repeat..
Tracie totally blew chunks after i cash deposited that bitch.
by Kate W of NEU October 7, 2008
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Being awakened to drop a deuce in the middle of the night. Alternately, having a child in diapers shit at night, forcing you to wake up and change them.
Damn, I'm never eating Taco Bell after 6 P.M. again. I woke up at 4:30 to make a massive night deposit.
by pb0216 October 16, 2010
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