take a shit,give birth to an abbo, hang a dump
Student: Hey Miss can i go and drop a darkie?
Miss: Pardon?
Student: You know, i gotta give birth to an abbo!
Miss: YOU WHAT!!!
by i-drink-coffee!!! June 6, 2007
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1. When a bunch of homies are totally talking shit usually knowing nothing about the subject

2. A conversation among homies in which every word used is ghetto ebonics so it's impossible for a literate person to understand it.
1. Homey 1 - Man dey need to erase all Babe Ruth's cause he never had to face Satchell Page.
Homey 2 - Damn straight...he'd have less tha half dat many home runs if he played Satch.
Educated person 1 - What are those dumb asses talking about
Educated person 2 - Don't worry, it's just darky malarky
Educated person 1 - That's what I figured

2. Homey 1 - That muthafucka was bojangin my chicken little in da fat ride wit da banging hoes and jockin my gat
Homey 2- I hears ya my brutha
Literate Person 1 - Are you gentleman serious or is this conversation a bunch of darky malarky
Homies together - WTF?
by BleeJay April 3, 2008
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putting the core (ink) of a sharpie in your roommates shower head, thus turning him a darker shade.
A sharpie darkie dies someone a darker color than they normaly are. A great way to punk someone who passes out early in there own house.
by washburn August 1, 2006
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When a sheltered Caucasian man tries to act “hood
“You ain’t be able to live on these streets cuh, this ain’t no darky malarkey” -A White Man from Maryland
by FenTheGoat September 5, 2023
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When a person is acting odd, just like a psychopath would, but you just know that they are not mentally ill. A phrase commonly used in the 2015 movie, ‘The Visit’.
Look at Mike over there, his wife had just divorced him and he’s having the deep darkies.
by deepdeepdarkies July 7, 2019
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