A game involving homosexuals and a cork. Where one homosexual inserts a cork into their anus, they must see if they can blast the cork into the opponents eyes.

A points system is based around how much the opponent cries for and how many days they smell of wine and excrement.

The homosexual automatically wins if the 'receiving' homosexual is killed or seriously injured.
Example 1
Homo 1: "Bored?"
Homo 2: "Yes, what can we do?"
Homo 1: "Bit'a Corking?"
Homo 2: "Breathe in"

Example 2
Homo 1: "Fancy a game?"
Homo 2: "I'll get my good cork"
by flashkapOw July 10, 2009
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(verb) To contain a ten-gallon batch of pubic hair by placing over it a ten-gallon hat. Often done in self-defense. Also corked, corking.
Madam, would you kindly cork your muff? I find it rather aesthetically displeasing.
by himguy November 10, 2006
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To shove an obect in a persons orfus to keep them from, talking, farting, shitting, pissing, etc.
-I was on the freeway when I really had to piss, I had to cork it.
-You run your damn mouth all the time, cork it!
by Chad December 11, 2004
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(verb) To contain a ten-gallon batch of pubic hair by placing over it a ten-gallon hat. Often done in self-defense. Also corked, corking.
Madam, would you kindly cork your muff? I find it rather aesthetically displeasing.
by himguy October 29, 2006
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Inserting your pointer finger into someone's rectum, then rapidly removing it in a "come hither" motion. This movement creates a popping sound, similar to removing a cork from a wine bottle.
John and Sarah are in the bedroom corking again. We're going to have to wash the sheets.
by BigDaddyC6969 November 25, 2020
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a derivative of 'keek' which is another word for 'dick'
that gurg sucked my cork off last night
by Mike January 11, 2004
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When a girl is on her period but still wants to go skinny dipping, so she utilizes a male escort's penis to use an equivalent to a tampon.
"You guys I really want to go skinny dipping with you, but I'm on my period right now. Brain, would you kindly help by corking me?
by g00dlandscaping June 29, 2012
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