when something is amazing an exciting
Kisha to Karla.. Im now a chav

Karla.. I blame GG

by The Double G October 26, 2006
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A phrase randomly said from one to another when nothing is happening. Derived from the song I Am the Walrus by The Beatles, although it actually goes "goo goo g'joob".
"Jon, I am the walrus. coo coo kachu."
"No I'M the walrus you dirty bastard"
by Nahotnoj April 28, 2005
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"I am the Walrus" refers to the joke the Beatles played on everyone. They stopped playing live, only cut studio albums, and made no public appearances, citing the fact that one of them had died, and they left clues in their songs and album covers.

The Walrus is a symbol of death in England. Paul sings that line, to state that he is the one that died.

If you look at the Abbey Road album cover, it shows Paul as the dead one as well. Harrison is in white, in front, representing God. Lennon comes next, in a suit as the priest. Then comes Paul, barefoot, (you were buried without any shoes). Next comes Ringo in jeans, the gravedigger.
"I am the walrus. coo coo kachu.." is really, "I am the Walrus, goo goo g'jube."
by Chops92689 January 16, 2006
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A term used for confirming coolness of object or event in a gangsterly fashion. Usually used by white girls.
Mary: Hey whats up?
Taylor: listening to amazing music
Mary: Dat coo dat coo

Taylor: Ya'll should come to the bowling alley
Mary: Hella yeahh
Rachele: Dat coo dat coo
by May Tay January 23, 2010
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"yeah, I met him at the club last night and we totally coo coo coo'd !"
by lamppostthunder September 13, 2019
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For example, if someone saw that you stank they would stay "ya, coo coo" and then walk away.
by MynameisFelecia October 9, 2019
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Invented by the man, the myth, the legend, Clink123, this phrase is used to symbolize an act in which is performed is considered stupid, without-thought, or careless. Commonly used when this act is done purposely, or thoughtlessly.
"Quite Frankly, this is shameful! I'm trying to Calculate these scores and we have people here doing Coo-Coo Business!
by Sgt. Complex July 6, 2021
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