Also known as the University of Cincinnati, one of the most boring college campuses in America located right in the hood. Somehow ranked the fifth best school in Ohio, and loses to the dinky little school down the street every year.
Looks like Kaitlyn is studying at Clifton Community College next year. Must've only got into Mansfield!
by akidfromwestfake December 6, 2020
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A school that is shit, Mrs Cowsarse is a bitch. Big up Big Phil. Lots of slags and sluts with a mix of players. The school is located in Chav Town
Hailsham Community College is so crap and it stinks like pumtang
by Lovemedaddy April 26, 2019
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Very good college yes can speell now Obama was in my class verygood my name is Jeff bezos have many lambors v goof my teacher was Mickey Mouse (heh had an affair with with shrek ).
squidward's community college college is very good school
by Sour. Ghost October 24, 2020
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A person who is too lazy to get into a full fledged university, and settles for community college instead. He or she defends the decision by saying such things as "I needed time to decide my major" or "I was going to apply to UConn but my application was lost." Usually this scary underachiever goes on to drop out or flunk out of the most basic intro courses and ends up spending at least 4 years dicking around and running up student loans without ever accomplishing anything or graduating.
John R is a community college legend who will forever be employed at Pizza Hut.
by KImCobain February 20, 2015
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A level of hell where the Internet is too slow and the food is too expensive. A place where all you breathe in is cigarette smoke and all you see is ratchet people everywhere. This is where you are doomed to end up if you're stupid or broke.
"Where does she go to college?"
"Nassau Community College"
"Oh, that's ...nice."
by SwagMastaK January 25, 2014
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Two-year public college located in Paramus and Lyndhurst, New Jersey. Typically serves the high schoolers who were unable to get into a real school, and is considered to be a joke to the students. Also, the destination for over half of high school graduating classes.
John: Where you going to school next year?
Brian: Bergen Community College. It'll be high school all over again.
by Dumb Bergen Kid December 8, 2009
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