"The coast is clear" is said when it has been determined that it is now safe to proceed; that there are no obstacles or witnesses to what one is about to do.
"The coast is clear", he thought as he watched his lover's husband drive away from the house.
by Libertine October 4, 2005
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A small town home of the redlight scam camaras built in the 70s full of old farts an scams
Just got back from palm coast got my polydent an got scamed
by Helpless February 8, 2013
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A term used to represent the city of Chicago, due to its geographical location in the center of the United States. The term is partly in response to how the U.S. is usually represented in terms of the East or West Coasts, with Chicago being disregarded or referred to as a "second-city" or the "third coast"

Coined by Chris Shaw, founder of Central Coast Advertising Agency in Chicago.
"Where's the place to visit when in The U.S.?"

"The West Coast is inflated, The East Coast is crowded, The Central Coast is where it's at."
by CentralSwimmer June 24, 2013
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The USCG is the smallest of the United States' five military branches, but also unique in that it has some law enforcement jurisdiction and is operated by the DOH during peacetime. They perform search & rescue operations, protect ports and harbors, and stop drug smugglers, among other things. Although described by some as Navy washouts, the USCG performs very dangerous duties even during times of peace.
The drug boat was immobilized after a Coast Guard sniper hit the engine with a .50 caliber round.
by kmfr August 30, 2010
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a boring ass town with absoultly nothing to do where everyone goes to walmart for fun and does drugs to pass time and is also a retirement county where lots of old people live.
palm coast
by lil campy August 22, 2008
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Don't write a definition if you've never been there
- Largest city in the nation, NYC
- Lowest obesity rate, New England
- Lots of history, Philly, DC, and Boston
- Richest state, Connecticut
- Two of most populated states, NY and Florida
- Kickass beaches, NJ, Florida, Carolinas, Rhode Island
- Top 6 smartest states all on the East Coast, Vermont Massachusetts,Connecticut,New Jersey, Maine, Virginia

Ignorant Person: East Coast sucks!

Me: What part?

Ignorant Person: idk, I've never actually been there....

**This isn't a diss to west coasters, I love California, I'm just saying we deserve more credit than we get as a region****
by Jersey Kid January 29, 2008
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A slightly derogatory word for America's west coast, used by Republicans to refer to the primarily Democratic California, Oregon, and Washington.
Arnie must feel very alone on the left coast.
by Economike August 9, 2004
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