A reference to a previous night of heavy drug and alcohol use.
Last night i partied so hard. I got really high and drunk.... it was classic!
by KnowledgeWriter April 28, 2011
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Five shots, preferably but not necessarily, of the cheapest hard-liquor in the bar. The shots are lined up in a row and consumed, one after the other, in rapid succession. It is often used by people who, having arrived at the bar or club late in the evening, need to catch up in order to have a good time.
Mike: "Shit, I'm late and all you fuckers started drinking without me."
Tom: "No problem bro, just do The London Classic and you'll be good to go."
Mike: "Fuck, I knew you were going to suggest that." *Facepalm
by brandonmichaelblack.com February 6, 2012
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In general, boring old shit that stuck up people lacking a soul obsess about. Certain exceptions to this rule may exist. Namely, these are anything I like that can be labeled as "classical."
Let's go listen to some classical music. Wait, no, I'd rather get shot in the head.
by Chrisssssssssss32432 October 8, 2006
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Person, who worships Classic WOW and absolutely despises Retail WOW and its players. Also, highly aggressive
This guy is the best example of a Classic Andy
by Armadiljo October 26, 2020
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When an absolute stud flirts with a girl but then gets too attached and proceeds to fuck things up in the relationship.
"What happened to Guy and Minnie?"

"Oh, they aren't going out anymore; he did the Tucker Classic..."
by MASMRANKRA November 13, 2018
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When somebody does something well-within their predictable norms.
Come on, he called in sick to work on his birthday. CLASSIC BRENDA
by JormanThoad December 31, 2016
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The action of leaving Video Game tournaments midway through in order to communicate with a significant other, thus leaving the boys.
Oh! He's done it again. We die off spawn and he goes and does a Barfield Classic for the next three hours.
by RandomShitter February 10, 2021
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