An asian imported from China and is extremely skinny because a lack of eating.
by Chao LI is gay123 September 26, 2008
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one crazy-ass track by a friend of mine.
"he wrote chaos. and then it ensued. all over the countryside."
by nyao October 15, 2003
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V. To excessively eat rice.

N. A slang for Chinese people who own Chinese restaurants
V. Ex. "Yo he was Chao-ing down!" - Much like Chowing but asian.

N. Ex. "Yeah I love that restaurant, a bunch of Chao's own it."
by ChineseFood February 5, 2009
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excited about an object, not yourself
that ride was so chaos.
by Ian April 5, 2003
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Chaos owned the SoF2 community with random nades, flanks, triple teams, and corner camps, but now is moving on to JO. *cry*
by anonymous June 24, 2004
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a gay faggit who has no life and plays halo 24/7
chaos is a faggit
by mosh June 16, 2004
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