is basiclly talking to a boy/girl for hours. On End.
You caking so much with that boy. They call you Betty Crocker.
by SsSsSsSsssssa April 3, 2006
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when you're high you're baked...cakes get baked
person:Man, im caked.
by JizJones February 18, 2008
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1.When you are so blazed out of your mind to take your dick out of you shorts, so u jerk off under your clothing and wake up the next morning with your shorts being CAKED

2. to pass out while jizzing on your self
I got so high last night i CAKED my self

Ish was so blazed out of his mind he woke up CAKED.

When he woke up we looked at his shorts and noticed he was CAKED
by rmyc November 14, 2010
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Something that looks real but’s fake.

Like those Instagram videos where you think you see an eggplant, but they cut into it and it’s a cake. It seems like it’s a one thing but turns out another.


Similar to “cap”, but not quite.
“Look at her lips bro, think they’re real?”
Nah, that’s cake
by Bushycat July 18, 2020
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When you have a huge sticky shit and it cakes the inside of ones ass cheeks.
Man that shit was huge i'm so caked I need to have a shower.
by DaddyPalps April 15, 2022
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To be dehired in such a manner that there is no celebratory cake or ANY FURTHER MENTION of the person who has been disappeared.

Common At call centers, eg minacs

ant; Caked ... moved on to better patures voluntarily
Employee 1: What happened to Johnny ?
Employee 2: Shhhhhh he got no-caked Friday, he was late again
Employee 1: yeah? but there was a Blizzard!
Employee 2; yeah, guess he should have called in sick instead like the rest of us.
by Jaccusetoi December 24, 2005
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