He’s being like a cade again.
by faalam August 3, 2022
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Your average middle schooler with balls the size of bowling balls who gets every girl in the school, he’s the kid who would stand up in the middle of the cafeteria and scream the n word as loud as he could not caring about the consequences he’s that one friend that has the strictest mom ever but doesn’t have a car in the world, his father also left him at a young age but he doesn’t let that keep him from being a fucking chad every day.
by Penis pump69 June 10, 2022
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Smells like carrots, Tall, blonde hair, meanie
Cade: I hate u ur so annoying
Hannah: ouch
by Storrac2424 October 26, 2020
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You could commit suicide by jumping off of his ego and landing on his iq
Man, that guy is worse than a Cade
by Jesse bon von Hoover Schneider December 28, 2019
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cade is a guy that if you ask for advice will give it to you straight on. he’s loyal, doesn’t lie. he’s funny too. and quite a athlete. he’s not a cocky athlete. he gets quite aggressive, and it’s very fun to watch. he’ll give you a bad time only because he knows you’ll have him a bad time back. he’s really sweet. he loves to ref and coach soccer. a very great ref. he loves his tea too. he’s very talented in other sections besides sports, like musical instruments. can play 5 different ones. very attractive, has dark black hair, and beautiful brown eyes. he’s overall a really amazing person, super fun to talk to.
by isabella lou September 4, 2018
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I’m a cade, I think I’m complete shit but people think I’m ok so that’s cool i guess
Cade: I’m gonna kill myself
Person: *doesnt care*
Cade: *actually tries to kill himself*
Person *HoLY ShIT ARe YoU OK I ThouGHT YOu WeRE J0kInG*
by CadeTheLoser March 20, 2019
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The most sweetest guy ever! He will make you fall in love the moment that you meet him! He is the most hottest dude and all the girls like him. He is funny and is smart. Everyone thinks he is a hoe but when you get to know him cade is the one guy you dream of meeting.
Cade is the best guy ever
by Kaydenxe October 23, 2018
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