Procedure used by ugly people on Tinder, performed one of two ways:

1. First two photos on their profile are them but exclude any facial detail whatsoever; then you look at the third pic which shows them looking at the camera and realize they are a 2/10.


2. First 2 photos on their profile are group photos either of multiple attractive people so you don’t know which one they are (usually being the ugly one) OR photos of them attempting to surround themselves with stootfish to make them look like a 10/10. However, once you look past this photo, you see which one they are and realize they are a 1/10.
*matches on Tinder*
Hmm, which one is she? *scrolls through photos* Ah, shocker, she’s the ugly one and tried to use the Ugly Bypass Tactic.

by TheAlwaysCorrect1 January 28, 2023
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by iExtensions January 6, 2021
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A sex move in which a man ejaculates into a woman's mouth, and the woman blows it from her mouth into her vagina.
Person 1: Dude, it was epic. She hit me with the Newwork Naka Bypass. It was SO hot.
Person 2: That's pretty epic.
by Long Lad February 19, 2019
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basically js tryin 2 say da word ur tryin 2 say without sayin it.

kinda a abbreviation
Bob: u act like a yk da HR if u catch ma drift.

Carl: u dnt have 2 bypass it dude.
by skull&bones October 22, 2022
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A little-known and poorly documented organ located directly between the stomach and rectum that allows partially digested food to bypass the rest of the digestive system. When activated, newly-eaten food will be forcefully expelled before food currently sitting in the GI tract.

The Bypass Valve is typically activated by spicy food, sauerkraut, or bad fast food. The result, inevitably, is explosive diarrhea that will contain either a) foam, b) undigested food bits, c) blood, or d) all of the above.
Oh man, that Taco Bell isn't sitting too well - I think it's going to activate my Bypass Valve!
by Clamskipper January 26, 2010
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breaker bypass
the breaker would not reset so i added the two hot wires across the panel top to bottom resulting in breaker bypass with no breaker between the circuit!
by IwasThereAndSeenitForMyself December 28, 2022
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Having too much to drink too many times, or otherwise strained the brain, so that a person doesn't remember something that happened or that was agreed to before. Can be a result of Cerebral Bulimia.
I know I told you that I'd never screw around at college," said Luther, "but that was before I had a cranial bypass at my freshman dorm.
by LA AC September 28, 2010
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